Vets Against Brachycephalism

Striving for better animal welfare

81 Supporting organisations and practices

Below is a list of the organisations and practices supporting this initiative listed from the earliest support onwards. If you would like your practice or organisation logo to appear on the site please email

  1. International Cat Care (Global)
  2. RWAF – Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund (UK)
  3. Apex Cardiology (UK)
  4. AWSELVA- the Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law Veterinary Association (UK)
  5. Swiss Association for Small Animal Medicine (Switzerland)
  6. Blue Cross (UK)
  7. Cat’s Protection (UK)
  8. RSPCA (England and Wales)
  9. ISPCA (Ireland)
  10. Love is Blind (Australia)
  11. Rata Veterinary Surgery (UK)
  12. Battersea Dogs and Cats Home (UK)
  13. Village Vets, London (UK)
  14. London Vet Specialists (UK)
  15. Well Animal Clinic, London (UK)
  16. Metro Vet, London (UK)
  17. Petcare clinics, London (UK)
  18. Caring Vets (Netherlands)
  19. Chipping Norton Veterinary Hospital (UK)
  20. isfm – International Society of Feline Medicine (Global)
  21. Mayhew (UK)
  22. Lagolearn (UK)
  23. The SaveABulls (UK)
  24. Van Dijk Veterinary Services (UK)
  25. Sentient – the veterinary institute for animal ethics (Australia)
  26. Dr Katrina Ward, animal behaviour consultant (Australia)
  27. WSAVA – the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (Global)
  28. RNZSPCA – Royal New Zealand Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (New Zealand)
  29. Swedish Association for the Protection of Animals (Sweden)
  30. The Alternative Vet Practice (Scotland)
  31. Chats du Quercy (France)
  32. Royal Veterinary Center (Macau SAR China)
  33. KNMvD -Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Diergeneeskunde – Royal Dutch Veterinary Association (Netherlands)
  34. The Hong Kong Veterinary Association (Hong Kong SAR China)
  35. Suomen Eläinlääkäripraktikot r.y. – Finnish Association of Veterinary Practitioners (Finland)
  36. Valencia Sur hospital veterinario (Spain)
  37. Dierenarts Esther (Netherlands)
  38. Hellenic Companion Animal Veterinary Society (Greece)
  39. Clinica Veterinaria Europa (Italy)
  40. Medicina Comportamentale Veterinaria (Italy)
  41. Sveriges Veterinärmedicinska Sällskap – Swedish small animal veterinary association (Sweden)
  42. Veterinaire Specialisten – (Netherlands)
  43. Clinica Veterinaria Città di Monza (Italy)
  44. Der Bundesverband der Veterinärmedizinstudierenden in Deutschland – German national veterinary student association (Germany)
  45. Hale Veterinary Clinic (Canada)
  46. Oncore online learning (UK)
  47. AVS – the Association of Veterinary Students (UK and Ireland)
  48. Dier & Recht (Netherlands)
  49. Oliver Pet Care Solutions Pvt Ltd (India)
  50. Dyrlægehuset Farum (Denmark)
  51. Origin Vet Clinic (UK)
  52. BaBBA – Ban all baby bunny ads (UK)
  53. Rabbit Residence Rescue (UK)
  54. Bacchus Residents Rescue (UK)
  55. Clement Rabbit Rescue (UK)
  56. Little Furries Rabbit Rescue (UK)
  57. 3D Vet (Italy)
  58. Equine Healthworks (Australia)
  59. Collective Animal Rescue (Scotland)
  60. Ambulatorio Veterinario (Italy)
  61. FECAVA – Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (Europe)
  62. Animal Protection Denmark (Denmark)
  63. SAVAB – Small Animal Veterinary Association Belgium- Flanders (Belgium)
  64. Kat Unique (Belgium)
  65. Vets for Pets Nesto (Belgium)
  66. Behivet (Belgium)
  67. Medisch Centrum Voor Dieren (Netherlands)
  68. VeDa (Belgium)
  69. STVT – Schweizerische Tierärztliche Vereinigung für Tierschutz (Switzerland) 
  70. FVE – Federation of Veterinarians Europe (Europe-wide)
  71. NSPA – Norwegian Society for the Protection of Animals (Norway)
  72. Vet Company (Colombia)
  73. Mariela Barad vet clinic (Argentina)
  74. Centro Veterinario Esteiro (Spain)
  75. Ambulatorio Veterinario San Francesco (Italy)
  76. Tamara Tobio Cat Vet (Argentina)
  77. Baby Blue Bee Bunnies (Scotland)
  78. The Cat Vet (UK)
  79. NOAH for dyrs rettigheter (Norway)
  80. Studio Veterinario Dr.P.F.Garatti (Italy)
  81. S.A.Ve Napoli (Italy)